Transformational Coaching Program

Up to 6 months.
5 Akashic Record Reading.
6 individual Coaching Session.
Additional Check-in’s.

Rebecca Kirson
“I promise you that the same stuff galaxies are made of, you are. The same energy that swings planets around stars makes electrons dance in your heart. It is in you, outside you, you are it. It is beautiful. Trust in this. And your life will be grand.”
– Kamal Ravikant, Live Your Truth

What's the point of it all?
We live in an unprecedented time in human history where our world is undergoing massive evolutionary changes. These changes affect everything from the foundations of our societal institutions to Mother Nature and all beings that walk the earth.
It is no longer an option to live ignorantly, passively blowing in the wind, going along to get along.
We are in a collective death and rebirth cycle that is exposing our Shadows unlike any other time in history and we are experiencing more people awakening than ever before.
This time invites us to explore our individuality which is separate from our personality. Personality is influenced by culture (family of origin, religion, friends, career, etc) and the many ways in which we are programmed to see the world a certain way. Individuality is given by our existence as unique aspects of the Divine having a physical experience.
Our personality is shaped by what is convenient for society. But culture does not encourage individuality because personal empowerment and freedom of thought are not good traits for following the herd. We are less likely to be manipulated when we have connected with our true essence and inner authority.

In truth, we will struggle to find fulfillment if we do not know ourselves at a deeper level. And it takes a bold spirit to follow the inner yearnings of the Soul, to surrender to Divine Will and allow the river of life to guide us into our next level of healing, liberation and spiritual renewal.
It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
– Alan Cohen

Embrace: Embodying the present
Get honest and present with where you really are in your life and what you’re really feeling.
- Review your Akashic Record ‘Life Lesson Curriculum’ to identify a connection between the areas where you are struggling and the Life Lessons your Soul chose as opportunities for growth.
- Complete a Life Assessment exercise to develop an awareness of your fulfillment in your life
Experience: Embodying the past
Take an introspective look at the events of your life to reveal what you’ve been missing and what it’s costing you. Uncover your barriers and blocks to being deeply connected and fully alive.
- Bring consciousness to your daily life by understanding the perpetuating patterns present that are negatively impacting you.
- Review the birth of these patterns through an Akashic Record Soul Profile Reading and Clearing.

Endurance: Embodying the pain
Understand the Alchemy of turning your wounds into wisdom and your pain into power.
Accept – Integrate – Release
Using a very insightful tool called ‘The Life Code Process’ – we explore the deep wisdom contained in your life experience and see things that ‘have happened to you’ from a higher perspective. With this deeper understanding, you can more fully be in a state of acceptance to transmute the wounds into wisdom for greater courage, confidence and strength.
Empowerment: Embodying the future
Purpose. Who are you? What turns you on and lights you up? Who do you really want to be? How do you really want to express yourself and show up?
- Wake up to your highest potential and connect to the Archetypes contained in your Sacred Contracts. See how all of life has been working for you.
- Learn about your Life Purpose through the lens of your Gene Keys Profile.

Engagement: The Embodiment Plan
Creating the Embodiment Plan for grounded, daily action.
- Connect with your Manifesting Blueprint to learn your Soul’s unique framework for creating in the physical while also gaining insight into areas that are currently out of alignment.
- Develop an Embodiment Plan that connects to your Life and Soul Purpose insights. Incorporate daily strategies that support you in engagement with life, emotional expression and create alignment with your Blueprint for increased Vital Force Energy
Expression: Living the Embodied Life
What does it take to live a fully expressed life? How would you show up every day? Who would you want to be if you were connected to the eternal aspect of you
Purpose – Passion – Power
Life IS the Initiation. What we seek as an outcome (awakening/enlightenment, money & success, reaching the summit) is actually NOT an outcome but a process that all of us are in every moment of every day.
When we can AWAKEN to our Soul’s expression and INFUSE that being-ness into every relationship, creative project, kind gesture, conversation, smile and embrace – we will LIVE the Embodied Life.