A Time for Renewal

After a long and cold winter, we find ourselves peeking at the potential of what Mother Nature promises to bring in with spring. March 20th, 2015 is the official first day of spring also called the spring Equinox. I for one can’t wait to answer the call to step into rebirth and renewal.

The past few weeks have been challenging ones for me. I had a virus that decided to take up residence in my throat, not an especially great location since I make my living through communication and expression whether doing coaching sessions, readings or workshops. My fortitude and patience were tested and just when I thought I was nearing the end of this experience…I came home last week after a networking event to find I had an unusually sore throat again, taking me right back to square one. Giant sigh! Being a metaphysical practitioner, I knew there was a message in the experience and that message is what I want to share with you today.

Rhythms of the Seasons

Each season we have brings with it a purpose, an energy and a time to explore our connections to those energies. Winter was a time for reflection and planning. A time to go inward to see what we had accomplished for that year while beginning the planning phase for the upcoming year. This was not a time to go crazy with activities which is the exact opposite of how our society has structured winter. We had endless opportunities for running ourselves ragged with the holidays, family engagements, parties and promotion. However, if we didn’t use that time to REST, we set ourselves up for trouble. Now I was conscious of how busy I was during the winter AND I kept promising myself “If I can just make it through this month, I’ll slow down next month.” However I never did slow down and I absolutely didn’t rejuvenate. Fast forward to March, my body said “Since you don’t honor me or take the time to allow yourself a respite, you will deal with the consequence of an unsolicited reduction in your well-being and stamina. Have fun with that.” Ooouch!


I’m from the Midwest. For some reason if presented with two paths, the path of least resistance and the path of most resistance, I’m going to choose the path of most resistance. Maybe it’s subconscious programming from my ancestors or a thick skull but I enjoy a good challenge and I’m not a stranger to struggle. Easy just doesn’t bring the same feelings of reward. And yes, I’m very aware of how crazy that sounds. Fully aware. I’m also aware that sometimes my passion and levels of mental intensity can’t be sustained physically. As a good friend of mine use to say, “My mouth is writing checks that my body can’t cash.” Spiritually and mentally, I was blazing trails, in a continual state of expansion, taking on more and more until my physical body said, “You have exceeded Capacity!” And of course, I continued to push through that as well until my spiritual and mental selves decided to pull the plug on my passion and drive. Exhausted and listless, I finally opened to taking a pause.


The truth is, just because we could conceivably run the race in a full sprint, doesn’t mean we should. The journey of life and the journey of Entrepreneurship are a marathon. They do require checking in from time to time with a resting station to rehydrate and relax before beginning the next leg. A balanced person will properly ‘govern’ themselves with self-care, respite and rejuvenation. Emphasis on the word balanced…obviously still an area I need to explore and until I do, my life will bring me the opportunity to get it again and again. During my time of reflection, I am focusing on what I need to release and let go of so I can reconnect to the things that bring me joy. I’m more powerful when connected to my Soul and when I’m not in alignment, life becomes less fun.


So now begins the opening to the portalway of rebirth and renewal. Our spring Equinox is also occurring with a solar eclipse and supermoon. Three celestial events happening this Friday. Astrologers note that this brings a time for:

Being fully conscious of the eternal joy within you.

Recognizing and celebrating the rebirth of your Inner Light.

I’m excited for this time of renewal and to bring in the newness of spring, to release the residue I’ve been carrying with me so I can step into greater aspects of awareness and light. What are you doing to embrace the spring energy of renewal and rebirth?

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