The sessions below are done via a conference line worldwide. In person business and coaching sessions are available in the metro Atlanta area.
Not sure which reading you want? Reach out for a complimentary Discovery Session to see which one is right for you.
Once payment has been made, please contact me by email to schedule your session. Payment is required in advance for all services. If you have any questions, please email me at

Akashic Record Soul Profile Reading
We all have an individual Record in the Akasha. Our Record contains our Soul level gifts, history and experiences. The focus of this reading is to explore your Soul’s purpose which is the energy you are naturally abundant in, your cosmic lineage which shows up as part of your personality structure, your primary lesson for this lifetime, current level of consciousness and many other Soul level gifts you bring into your everyday life. This reading will give you a deeper level of insight into Your Sacred Truth.
60 Minute Recorded Session
Akashic Record Soul Profile Reading and Clearing
This reading contains everything included in the Soul Profile Reading above AND includes a deep exploration into the perpetuating patterns that limit you from fully stepping in to your highest potential. These patterns are often deeply ingrained and are a result of the choices you’ve made in past lives and continue to uphold in this life. A powerful Soul level clearing is performed in your Akashic Record and you are given a 21 day clearing to assist with shifting the patterns at the physical level.
90 to 120 Minute Recorded Session
The Path of the Soul: Sacred Contracts Reading
This reading looks at your Soul’s Agenda for the Sacred Contracts taken on by your Soul prior to your birth. Our current life is influenced by how we navigate power, money, relationships, career and our highest potential. We have 12 different ‘archetypal energies’ that affect us in different life areas or ‘houses’. We can animate these energies to use as allies in our journey OR we can utilize the shadow aspect and further sabotage our efforts. Understanding your Sacred Contracts is hugely beneficial in gaining insight on the relationships in your life, why you do the things you do and where you need to be more mindful with stepping into power and choice for obtaining the material resources needed in life. The archetypal energies can be seen as our allies or as the ways we sabotage ourselves if we allow their energy to remain unconscious.
90 Minute Recorded Session and comes with an additional integrative coaching session.
Akashic Record Soul Level Curriculum
Our Soul takes on a “curriculum” before our incarnation. This curriculum or Life Lesson Plan consists of energies that we have not developed or embraced in previous lifetimes. Perhaps we struggle with the energy of abundance or success or doing things in moderation. This reading explores your primary Life Lesson and 3 – 6 sub lessons in addition to how they are currently showing up for you and in what life areas. This is a great way to connect with your pre-birth plan! It is very fulfilling to our Soul when we develop an understanding and rapport with our curriculum for this lifetime.
60 Minute Recorded Session
Relationship Reading
Our Akashic Record contains the history of every Soul we’ve ever had a relationship with. Prior to each life, we take on Soul level agreements for how we plan to work with each other. This includes our family, friends, intimate partnerships, co-workers, boss, the people we do business with and everyone in between. These relationships assist us with learning how to work with self-esteem and power. Even when someone plays the role of Villain in our spiritual drama, there is a lot they are trying to teach us. This reading explores the connection between any two individuals, history of past lives shared, life lessons you are working on and the blocks present between the two of you that negatively impact the relationship and relationships in general.
90 Minute Recorded Session
Spirit Guides Profile Reading
We were not meant to navigate the physical experience alone. We have Spirit Guides, who are souls of a higher level of evolution, accompanying us on our journey. They are continually offering us guidance and insight based on what we are trying to create. This reading allows you to meet your Guide team and begin to develop a relationship with them. It explores their purpose, role on your team, how they communicate with you, their name or energetic signature and the messages they want to share with you.
*Spirit Guide Coaching is also available for those who want to move themselves forward with homework assignments and insights given bi-weekly by their Guide team.
60 Minute Recorded Session
Life Situation Reading
We are frequently encountering situations in life such as health issues, relationship problems, unexpected financial setbacks and periods of transition. These are a normal part of the human experience yet dealing with them can feel heavy and endless. Often these situations are rising to the surface for unresolved patterns to be examined and healed so we don’t continue to carry the issues forward with us. This reading examines the issues you are currently having which may seem unrelated in several different life areas, a look at how the situations are interrelated and the root cause of the situations. Additionally, energy clearings are performed in the Akashic Records on your behalf and if needed, clearing homework is given to you as well.
60 – 90 Minute Recorded Session
Business Reading
A thorough exploration into all areas of business: Products and Services, Sales, Marketing, Contributors, Business Systems, Clients, etc.
Sessions are broken into 3 or 4 meetings to accommodate all the information from the Records.
*An Business Energetic Analysis can also be done to look at the current state of your business in relationship to your financial intention in all areas discussed above. $197
The Creative Blueprint for Manifesting
This reading looks at how you uniquely create in your life in the areas of Money, Relationships and Health. We explore 7 aspects of your Creative Blueprint Design and how that shapes the way you manifest your life circumstances through the choices you make and the actions you take.
90 Minute Recorded Session
Custom Coaching Programs
Custom Coaching Programs are available. Each Program is designed specifically for you. Reach out for a complimentary Discovery session to discuss.