
You are…

You are…

The artist, poet, potter and designer.  You are all of those things and more.  Yet day after day you sit and wait for someone to come into your life to fix or rescue you. You wait for a savior instead of picking up the brush to create your dreams and desires.  You wait for someone

You are… Read More »

Committing to Mastery

Committing to Mastery

We find ourselves in a world that is busier than ever before. We have unlimited opportunities and potential surrounding us at all times.  “The abundance of everything” sounds amazing but it can actually limit us instead of propelling us forward. WHY? Because for the majority of our A.D.D. over-stimulated, instant gratification selves, it throws us

Committing to Mastery Read More »

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Learning how to work with and integrate our shadows can feel daunting and overwhelming. However, our shadows hold the vast potential of our inner light and are the key to a more awakened experience.

This E-book guides you to 7 transformative steps to transition from shadows to the light of your Soul.

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