
A New Year

A previous Blog post that is always a great New Year’s reminder! I attended a training this past weekend that was awe inspiring as well as nurturing for my mind, body and soul. One of the principles really struck me because I see this theme present itself again and again during reoccurring conversations with clients,

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Finding Fun Again

Finding Fun Again

One of the inescapable side effects of the holiday season is…STRESS.  There always seems to be more to do than we can fit in to a 24 hour period. The result is we often feel squeezed, overwhelmed and behind so we force ourselves to run faster to keep up. Unfortunately, this challenge is showing up

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Saving Time

Saving Time

I recently came across this helpful article about how to save time by doing less. The article “One founder’s best productivity trick: Save time and do less” posted on the wework blog really resonated with me. As I step into doing more growth and expansion in my business, I’m seeing the challenges of only having

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Learning how to work with and integrate our shadows can feel daunting and overwhelming. However, our shadows hold the vast potential of our inner light and are the key to a more awakened experience.

This E-book guides you to 7 transformative steps to transition from shadows to the light of your Soul.

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