
Enduring the Burn
For years I committed to writing a blog post every month. It was a way for me to connect with my community, to share a

In Gratitude
Today we pause to celebrate and give thanks for all the blessings we have in our lives. While this has been one of the most

How to Stay Sane in an Insane World
Insanity. Madness. Chaos. We see people grasping for a sense of normalcy and all too often acting out from their shadows of fear, ignorance and

Cultural Evolution and Becoming Woke
2020 continues to be a wild ride of examining structures and systems that are antiquated and biased, built on foundations of prejudice and inequality. I

Hope For Humanity: Understanding Where We Are
I have been silent since the last newsletter that I sent out in late January “Safety, Security and Silencing the Doubts.” What I wrote then

Safety, Security and Silencing the Doubts
We have almost completed a full month into the new decade and I’m already exhausted. Earthquakes, celebrity deaths, threats of a viral pandemic, and nonstop

The Celebration of Light
Having just celebrated the Winter Solstice on the 21st of December, we collectively move towards various traditions known by different names but unified by a common

Character, Kindness and a New Wish for the Holiday
In the Spirit of Thanksgiving, I would like to express tremendous gratitude to those I’ve had the pleasure of working with throughout the year. Individuals

Embracing Duality on the Path to Wholism
Born on the cusp during the Summer Solstice, my first breath of life imprinted me as a Gemini. Gemini, which is represented by the twins,

The Time is Now
Today, September 20, 2019, young people and adults from all over the world are standing together in a strike to demand action be taken to