
This, too

I want to explore a mantra that can be used for shifting one’s perspective into a place of acceptance versus the energy of resistance that

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Spiritual Passivity

Often my inspiration for my blog is to take the patterns I see in clients again and again that unknowingly limit them from being able

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True Freedom

Today in the United States we witnessed a historic moment as our 45th president was sworn into office.  Regardless of where one stands politically, the

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BE the Light

As we head into Thanksgiving we find ourselves with much to be grateful for. Our lives are filled with abundance from a surplus of food

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Seeing through the Illusion

As human beings, we are surrounded by illusions that we process as being very real.  Our five senses of hearing, seeing, smelling, touching and tasting

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Connecting with our purpose can feel daunting and elusive.  Yet we know when we do, we will have so much more clarity and direction in our life. This E-book walks you through the process for discovering your purpose so you can feel fully alive, deeply connected and create a life that truly matters.

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