
The Pageantry of Life
Last week we celebrated the Summer Solstice which marks the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The Solstice was also the anniversary

Connecting with your Holy Grail
In King Arthur literature, The Holy Grail is a vessel that serves as an important motif. Different traditions describe it as a cup, dish or

Connecting with the Divine Gardener Within
We just celebrated the Spring Equinox on Tuesday in the Northern Hemisphere. Granted, it may not feel like spring yet depending on where you are.

The Most Important Decision We Can Make
I was recently observing a conversation where a counselor asked a couple whether they saw each other as a friend. They pondered this question for
The Meaning is IN the Experience
The year just started and already we find ourselves entering the second month. I can’t believe how fast the river of life moves us along.

A Year in Review
Just as quickly as the year began, we find ourselves heading into the final 2 weeks of 2017. To say it’s been an eventful year

Many of us just celebrated Thanksgiving in the U.S. This is a day where we gather with those we love and pause to reflect

“What am I Supposed to be Doing?”
This week I celebrated my 3rd wedding Anniversary with my husband, Joel. He’s a character and often brings up funny questions and insights that are

The Dangers of Complacency
It would be quite easy to pause and reflect on our current social crises and wonder how we’ve gotten to where we are. Epidemics have

Comparison creates Contention
I had several topics picked out for this month’s blog given all that is happening in the world with the Eclipse, Charlottesville, the flooding in